Bringing Books to the People

Bringing Books to the People
The Book Bus

Feb 5, 2012

The Reluctant Fundamentalist by Moshin Hamid

This is one of those 'I am talking directly to you, dear reader, as we sit here communing about something unrelated' guys. I am about 101% certain there is a literary term for that, and if I knew what it was I'd use it. But I don't, and well-looky here! I think you know exactly what I'm getting at. Shocker. Wait - I'll make a term up for you - direct-ism-alisation-alist. Say that out loud 5 times!

I can't help but feel I've read this before, but as I've discussed elsewhere, that's the whole point of this blog. I digress.

Brown guy from formerly-wealthy-but-now-in-decline, post-Rajish family goes to Princeton to learn the money making business. Falls in love with loaded white girl suffering from the wealthiest of ailments - poor mental health and literary aspirations - when suddenly(!) a large building explodes in the sky. You know where this is going, don't you?

It's a book about 'other' and 'love' and 'honour' and 'shit like that'. It will not change your life, but it will stave off spirit-crushing bordem if you should find yourself in a position where that's possible and this happens to be within arm's reach.