Bringing Books to the People

Bringing Books to the People
The Book Bus

Mar 22, 2010

Streets of Hope by Tim Costello

Odd choice I agree, but for some reason this has been on the back of my ‘to-read’ list for some time. Since the tagline is Finding God in St Kilda and I live very close by in Elwood, I thought I better read up just in case I bumped into him and didn’t recognise the dude (hairy unwashed men in dresses and Birkenstocks are not uncommon sightings in the ‘hood).

I’ve always thought Tim Costello was a pretty interesting guy, especially the whole ‘my brother was the country’s treasurer saving rich people money while I live in a busted old church’ (this book was written before he became CEO of World Vision in the 2000’s). So some of it’s kinda dated, but I really enjoyed reading the history of St Kilda as the go-to place for good times back in the day, and its ongoing reputation as a refuge for all people and things broken. I didn’t know he was also Mayor of St Kilda (back when individual councils each had their own mayor – bureaucratic nightmare) and it seems that he did a pretty good job of looking after his constituents without going all preachy on them. He also practiced by day as a lawyer, which makes me think he may have some sort of mild job schizophrenia. Even worse than phlebotomist/bank teller/editor Hammill here.

The narrative is completely ramshackle, switching from parts of his life story growing up in suburban Blackburn, to St Kilda history, then to full on theology which was a bit much for me to stomach. While trying to figure out why prostitution is so rampant in society and on the streets of St Kilda, he writes “Pulling and pushing the right tabs of flesh are a much inferior way to inflame the erotic passions than the lost romantic arts of poetry, song and spiritual celebrations.” Ummmm, no, Rev Tim, I think you’re mistaken (or maybe you’re just pulling the wrong tab of flesh).

I tried to read this with an open mind, and I’m sure as I get older I’ll want to explore my spirituality; but I’m probably never going to want it in a uniform style. I did agree with Tim on this though – “Spirituality is the consistent application of one’s values.” That I can roll with.

1 comment:

  1. Agree x 100. I read this when Costello was the Treasurer, and I was like, 'I wonder what goes down at their place a Christmas?'

    And in a slightly more thoughtful way, it made me think a lot about the whole nature/nurture argument.

    Good effort, God Brother. I much prefer you to your Money Brother.
